luni, 23 septembrie 2013

Mask for Extreme Hair Growth

Extend the length of your hair naturally by using only 3 ingredients
Our hair is very sensitive to the weather conditions, as well as the numerous treatments we apply to it, that`s why we need extensive care to preserve its vitality and shine. For that reason, we decided to share with you one great mask recipe, which will stimulate your hair growth. All you need is:
• 3 spoonfuls of mustard
• 3 spoonfuls of avocado oil
• 1 spoonful of cinnamon

Mix everything altogether and apply the mixture to your hair. Focus on your hair roots and your scalp.Cover your hair with a nylon towel or a nylon bag and stay like this for an hour. The mask has a heating effect (because of the mustard and the cinnamon) which benefits the blood circulation and stimulates the hair growth. Please note that it is recommended to use this mask no more than two times a week, as its action is quite aggressive and might seriously irritate your skin.






joi, 19 septembrie 2013

Noile tendinte ale sezonului de toamna / iarna 2013-2014












Tendintele modei. Toamna-iarna 2013-14.

Noile tendinte urmaresc transformarea femeii intr-o fiinta eleganta si romantica, cu un bagaj mare de senzualitate si glamour. De la stilul romantic care isi gaseste puritatea in materiale pretioase precum dantela sau catifeaua, la expresii ale epocii renasterii ce introduc in piesele vestimentare aplicatii aurii si motive florale, noile colectii sunt concepute pentru a pune in evidenta femeia si calitatile deosebite ale ei.
Intoarcerea in mijlocul anilor ’70, caracterizati prin forme geometrice si un aspect retro si adoptarea unui stil masculin, dar care pastreaza trasaturile delicate ale femeii, plaseaza sexul frumos in centrul atentiei.

Tendințele modei în manichiură 2013-2014